
Welcome to jawa1802's blog! Have you seen video of the week? Or listened to any of my songs? Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay! Please read the entire blog for some really good features. Remember to visit jawasfans.blogspot.com for the Official Forum of this! I have another blog - jawa1802.blogspot.com. It's not the best you've seen, but still, it's ok. For all of my MUSE music, please visit jawasmusesongs.blogspot.com. Yeah - I now have 5 blogs. Hehehe. E-mail jawa1802@gmail.com for comments (like private ones). Say Mt. Everest wasn't discovered yesterday. Therefore, what was the highest mountain on Earth? Put the answer in comments. (Source : Kevin L. A friend of mine)

Video of the week

All Hail Lord Waldemart!!! aka L0RD WÅLD3MÅRT

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Coincidence or not?

O.K., so I was writing down interesting things that happened today. I found that this one person keeps on showing up. I barely know her, but it's like my life is being invaded. Everywhere I turn she's like right there. Stalker or not? I've had about 4 stalkers so far. Yeah, so what do I do? If I tell my friends they'd just laugh and think that I'm paranoid again. They don't understand. Do you? What is the point of human life? Huh? Like why are we here? If there is a god (which I kind doubt) why were we put here? This god could've just sat there all day doing nothing except circulating its blood (if that's possible), breathing (if that's possible) and being lazy. Right? Maybe it was just the way it was meant to be.
Still, I'll just enjoy my life with my friends and family.

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MUSE's first album (released 1999)

Origin of Symmetry

Origin of Symmetry
MUSE's second album (released 2001)


MUSE's third album (released 2002)


MUSE's fourth album (released 2003)

Black Holes and Revelations

Black Holes and Revelations
MUSE's fifth album (released 2006)