
Welcome to jawa1802's blog! Have you seen video of the week? Or listened to any of my songs? Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay! Please read the entire blog for some really good features. Remember to visit jawasfans.blogspot.com for the Official Forum of this! I have another blog - jawa1802.blogspot.com. It's not the best you've seen, but still, it's ok. For all of my MUSE music, please visit jawasmusesongs.blogspot.com. Yeah - I now have 5 blogs. Hehehe. E-mail jawa1802@gmail.com for comments (like private ones). Say Mt. Everest wasn't discovered yesterday. Therefore, what was the highest mountain on Earth? Put the answer in comments. (Source : Kevin L. A friend of mine)

Video of the week

All Hail Lord Waldemart!!! aka L0RD WÅLD3MÅRT

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

China - my point of view; episode 2. (1 is N/A)

China. What do you think of it? When someone says China, the first thing that comes to mind is "people." Lots and lots of people.

I did some "research" on China and learned a little bit. But still. Way too many people.
On my holidays, I was in Beijing, RenQiu, Dongyang, Shanghai, Hangzhou and a village. During my "research," I found out a lot about Beijing. I learned that there's a New Summer Palace and an Old Summer Palace. The Old one was burned down by the British, French, Italian, German American, Austrians (not Australians), Japanese and Tsarist Russians during the Second Opium War. Therefore, the new one was built. I also learned that Beijing wasn't the capital of China a long time ago. Hangzhou, Xi'An and other cities have had the honour.

Chinese New Years last for 15 days. Many, many things happen during that time. For example, families get together, fireworks go on display, the main television station holds a banquet. But it doesn't necessarily start on the first of January - it starts on the first day of the Lunar year. The lunar year is based on the movement of the moon - not the circulation of the Earth around the sun.

Education - they go to school at 0730 and go home at 1630... That's right - 9 hours compared to the 7 that our children get. Yes, the Chinese's math is very, very good. But there's always that classroom nerd or nerds. You know? But almost all the Chinese focus on is math. Like they learn flight in grade 12 compared to grade 6 in Alberta. So which one is better? Leave some comments please.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Coincidence or not?

O.K., so I was writing down interesting things that happened today. I found that this one person keeps on showing up. I barely know her, but it's like my life is being invaded. Everywhere I turn she's like right there. Stalker or not? I've had about 4 stalkers so far. Yeah, so what do I do? If I tell my friends they'd just laugh and think that I'm paranoid again. They don't understand. Do you? What is the point of human life? Huh? Like why are we here? If there is a god (which I kind doubt) why were we put here? This god could've just sat there all day doing nothing except circulating its blood (if that's possible), breathing (if that's possible) and being lazy. Right? Maybe it was just the way it was meant to be.
Still, I'll just enjoy my life with my friends and family.

Monday, March 5, 2007

NME Awards and more

Here's the link to the results


I'm listing all of the ones that I'm interested in;

Best British Band - Muse
Best Film- Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest ;-(.... >_< Casino Royale didn't win... XD, rofl >_< href="http://youtube.com/">Youtube
Villain of the Year - George Bush or http://www.whitehouse.gov/
Sexiest Man- Matt Bellamy (Vocals, keyboard, lyrics and gutiar for MUSE)

Also, check this out; http://www.bushorchimp.com/
Tell me if they look alike and make sure that the Bush doesn't find out! :-) :-0 please don't tell.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Villian of the Year

OK, I'm going to assume that everyone reading this knows about the NME Awards, Tony Blair and George Bush. Correct? Well, anyways, these are some of the awards and nominees:

Best British Band - Arctic Monkeys, Babyshambles, Kasabian, Muse and Oasis
I voted for Muse

Best Live Band - Arctic Monkeys, Babyshambles, Kasabian, Muse and My Chemical Romance
Again, I voted for Muse

Best Album - Arctic Monkeys – ‘Whatever You Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not’, Kasabian – ‘Empire’, The Killers – ‘Sam’s Town’, Muse – ‘Blackholes And Revelations’ and My Chemical Romance – ‘The Black Parade’
Black Holes and Revelations- Muse

Best Track - Dirty Pretty Things – ‘Bang Bang You’re Dead’, The Killers – ‘When You Were Young’, Klaxons – ‘Atlantis To Interzone’, Muse – ‘Supermassive Black Hole’ and The View – ‘Wasted Little DJs’
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse

Best film - Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, Casino Royale, The Departed, Little Miss Sunshine and Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
I voted Casino Royale

Best website - DrownedinSound, Last.FM, MySpace, Pitchfork and YouTube
Youtube was my pick

Villian of the Year -
Tony Blair, Johnny Borrell, George Bush, Pete Doherty and Gerard Way
Poor George Bush (Don't tell him that I voted for him!)

SEXIEST Man - Carl Barat, Matt Bellamy, Pete Doherty, Brandon Flowers and Gerard Way
Anyone here NOT know that Matthew Bellamy is the vocalist/keyboarder/lead guitarist for

Oh! I forgot - you have to register and then sign in. You can also vote as many times as you want.

In 2004, 2005 and 2006, George Bush has won the "Villian of the Year Award." Yeah - 3 years in a row. 2007...

;-( Don't make me cry...

In 2002, Osama Bin Laden was the "Villian of the Year."

LOL! :-)!!!

Oh, the following is a song that should be sent to George Bush. I think that MUSE made it for him. I don't know. Ask them yourself... Somehow...
01 Take a Bow.mp3

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

So happy valentine's day everyone. Hope you didn't eat too many cupcakes or cookies.

Have fun at that fancy restaurant you're going to and don't forget - lots of people (like me) are staying home. So enjoy it while you can (why were fights invented?) and yeah...

BRIT awards are today for the British. Us North Americans have to wait until tomorrow. Watch MUSE win those three awards with me! LOL.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Well, anyone here ever heard of the Brit Awards? Yeah, MUSE won the Best Live Act in 2005 and has been nominated again for the 2007 awards for Best Group, Best Album and Best Live Act! Go MUSE!

Now about the NME awards. Yeah, MUSE got nominated. Best British Band, Best Live Band, Best Track (Supermassive Black Hole (jawasmusesongs.blogspot.com for more)), Best Album (Black Holes and Revelations) and finally, Sexiest Man (Matthew Bellamy)!!!

See? I told you MUSE is a great band...

Also, Chelsea Football Club is pwning! Check them out too! Don't forget the best player on earth - Michael Ballack.

So yeah, have fun watching MUSE win that Brit Awards 2007 on CBC on February 15, 2007 at 2200 (8:00p.m.) and check the internet for the NME awards after March 1, 2007! Yeah!

Monday, January 22, 2007

MUSE again

I'd just like to remind everyone who reads this to listen to MUSE!

They are the best band on Earth because...
They don't just go crazy rock and rolling - actually, they're an Alternative Rock band. They have soft songs that still include electric guitars and drums. Sometimes they add in strings and trumpets for the album "Black Holes and Revelations." The lyrics written by Matthew Bellamy really reach your heart. Like they're so... Realistic... Just listen to "Feeling Good" on the right ------> somewhere and yeah... Press the play button. If there is no play button, just press it. Still, you should check to see if you have the latest Java, Shockwave, etc. "Unintended, Hyper Music, Uno and Falling Away With You" would describe your relationship - but it doesn't hurt your feelings; send it to someone that you know likes you, make them listen to it and yeah... But not "Unintended."

Warning! I just came across these songs after I synced them to my mp3 - don't get any wrong ideas about me...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I'm so lonely. Wah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mommy! No one comments my blog! Mommy!

Well? Are you going to so say something? The comments section is waiting...


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Does anyone ever reply?

Like I spend all this time doing this, and no one replies. I'm like, hurt. No... I'm just kidding. I'm just dissapointed that no one except for me has done anything on my blog - ever. Like I'll email some friends, but once you read this, please, please, please! I'm begging you - REPLY!!!


Have a nice day!

Monday, January 15, 2007


Running is a great exercise for your body. Your leg bones will become stronger and thicker, your endurance goes up, and well, it's like the ultimate exercise.

The ultimate event is the Ironman. You run a long distance, swim some kilometres and bike for like 150 km. It really pushes you to your limits.

Swimming is good, but running is still better.



MUSE's first album (released 1999)

Origin of Symmetry

Origin of Symmetry
MUSE's second album (released 2001)


MUSE's third album (released 2002)


MUSE's fourth album (released 2003)

Black Holes and Revelations

Black Holes and Revelations
MUSE's fifth album (released 2006)